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Office & workspace

Daylight is a basic requirement for well-being and motivation in the workplace. We offer a wide range of luminaires, system lighting and lighting management that balances or supplements this basic need and enhances the quality of work and stay in the office. The right balance between general lighting, controllable lighting scenes or individual luminaires is a prerequisite for good performance, performance and enjoyment of life.

Suitable for use at computer workstations

or what does the UGR value mean?
UGR (Unified Glare Rating) is a key figure for the degree of psychological glare in indoor lighting systems. They are given in gradations from 10 to 30 (levels according to DIN EN 12464-1:2011-08: 13, 16, 19, 22, 25 & 28). Each level expresses a specific, statistical glare perception of a large number of observers. Using UGR>19 as an example, this means that around 65% of observers do not feel disturbed by glare. For offices in particular, UGR>19 is the highest permitted value.

Do you need lighting suitable for screen workstations? Take a look at our Office & Workplace section in our core product range.

We will be happy to support you in the optimal planning of office lighting, just get in touch with us. Here you will find our our offices

Are you thinking about modernising your office workstations, but would like an alternative financing model? Thanks to our partners in financial services, we can also create a flexible, customised purchase plan for you Find out about your options here